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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Plantation agriculture

Plantation agriculture is a commercial tropical agriculture system which is essentially export-oriented. The local government exploit the natural resources for making profit, usually short-term economic gain. It often involves the deliberate introduction and cultivation of economically desirable species of tropical plants at the expense of widespread replacement of the original native and natural flora. They are often associated with plantation agriculture are widespread modifications or disturbance of the natural landscapes through such artificial practices as the permanent removal of natural vegetation, drainage improvement, soil improvement and application of chemicals, etc.
The inputs of plantation agriculture are that large areas of land are needed for growing, there must be abudant labour, high levels of capital, and supporting facilities aroung the plantation like roads, factories, housing and irrigagtion canals.
The factors that determine the plantation agriculture success or failure are:
1. Natural disasters
- As the crops are grown according to their type in one plot of land, if there are natural disasters, all the crops of that type will die.
The crops are also in a open area, making it more vulnerable.
2.Demand for crop
- Some crops are in higher demand than others, therefore this depends on the consumers preferance.
3. Market and advertising
- Some consumers may not be aware of certain products, and they might not buy them. Therefore, marketing and advertising is important so that the consumers will be aware of new products.

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