This blog is soley for educational purposes, made only for the ACE Geography girls of PLMGSS. Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Transportation in Singapore

 Transport in Singapore is rather efficient and well planned. Not considering the recent MRT breakdowns, it takes a short period of time to travel from one place to another in Singapore. This is because Singapore is small and we have an efficient transport system with forms of transports such as the MRTs, buses, cars and taxis. This also means that we take a relatively short time to travel.

If you compare our transportation system to a much bigger country such as China as mentioned in the previous article, our country has a more efficient system. One main factor is because it is smaller. The second is because the Singapore government spends a large sum of capital to invest on the forms of transport, like catering more frequent bus services that comes at shorter intervals.

Also, as Singapore is a small country which lacks land area, we manage this problem by digging underground or making raised platforms to cope with the insufficient space to build our forms of transports like the MRT. However, this requires a large level of capital and constant maintenance work to be done. Seeing the previous issue about the breakdowns of the MRT, this means that proper maintenance and precautionary measures were not well thought of and thus arousing this problem.

If a transport breaks down, work, school and other activities will be delayed. The long term effect of this is the going down of the economy as people will start work late, meaning, being less productive and efficient. Without the functioning of such transports, our daily lives in this face paced society will definitely be greatly affected. 

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